Breast Reduction
Patients who are ideal candidates for breast reduction surgery may be suffering from a number of related ailments. In addition to possibly affecting one’s self-esteem, excessively large breasts can contribute to:
Muscle spasms
Poor posture
Tension headaches
Back aches
Neck and shoulder pain
Skin irritation, such as a rash under the breast
Excessively large breasts can also impact patients’ lives by making it more difficult to exercise and shop for clothing. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Kevin Bridge can help alleviate these conditions by performing a breast reduction.
Many major insurance providers consider breast reductions to have medical relevance and will cover the procedure, at least in part. Keep in mind that every insurer is different and may impose size regulations or other rules regarding coverage. Check with your provider or agent to find out if your procedure will be covered.
A breast reduction is an outpatient procedure; you can expect to return home the night following your surgery.
A typical breast reduction procedure takes a few hours.
Patients can usually return to work one to two weeks following this procedure.
We ask most patients to wait six weeks before resuming an exercise regimen. We will discuss your recovery with you in more detail, as each patient’s situation is unique.
Request a consultation by filling out our online form, or by phoning our office at 325-670-5320.